Friday, January 14, 2011

Not Dead!

So, it's been forever and a day, I know. Ever since I graduated in May last year, a lot of my time was sucked up by work, and when I wasn't working, I fell more into the habit of sitting and staring mindlessly into the depths of the internet or various video games rather than sketching, because my brain was just too exhausted to work. For most of the year, I worked at a custom frame shop, and while I learned a lot, I was sometimes thinking about framing in my sleep. In late September, I was unfortunately laid off from that job, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as I got a new job working at the Saturday Evening Post as one of their graphic art interns. So now I spend my days scanning artwork and cleaning/restoring it in Photoshop. I have gained several levels in Photoshop-fu just in the past few months. It's pretty awesome.

I did get a little more free time towards the end of the year... but I also got a contract for a children's illustration project, which I've been working on for the past three months. It's for a site online, and I'll have more details about that once it's released, which should be within the next couple weeks.

For the new year I've made a resolution to try and draw or paint or do some kind of art every day. This is fuzzy and almost certainly won't happen, but I'm making the effort.

I will be working on putting up some of the better sketches from 2010 in the next few days, and then I'll be putting up my 'daily' sketches probably once or twice a week. I've also got a few major art projects planned for the near future and those will go up here as well.

All of which is to say: there will be content coming soon. Stay tuned!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fireflies and Robots

Finally finished up this painting. Originally intended to be watercolor-only, eventually the paper couldn't take any more paint and so I went in with colored pencil to finish it up. There's a bit of digital touch-up on the fireflies as well because what was luminous green-yellow on the original turned into an unhappy brown-purple on the scan.

Original is about 14 x 16". Not sure where I want to go after this. I'm thinking something a little more sci-fi to prepare for InConJunction in July.

In that light, I spent a good few hours yesterday sketching robots and hoverboards.

I had a lot of fun with these designs, so I'll have to continue in this vein and see what I come up with.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mink and Puppy: Shenanigans 4-5

Probably the last two in this series that I'll do. This was a lot of fun though and I should really think about doing similar exercises with my other characters.

Friday, April 16, 2010

So April has been a chaotic month- we found out the house we had signed a lease on wasn't actually available, leaving us to scramble frantically for a new place. I was also trying to find a job and finish up classwork and other pre-graduation concerns. Happily, most of that seems to be settling into place; we found a new place not too far from where we would have moved anyway, I'm in the process of starting a new (permanent) job, and things finally seem to be going smoothly. Although now I need to begin packing.

I have tons of things to put up here-- I've been working for the census the last month, and that's been a lot of dead hours with plenty of time for sketching-- but they'll have to wait until I have time to sit and format them all in Photoshop.

For now, here's a book cover design I did for a YA fantasy series. This is book 3, which isn't out yet.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

See! Space Turtle in...

Today we have our first installment of 'Fun with Vectors.' This is me trying to learn Illustrator.

The first piece I did was simply working off of a photo from a few years back, featuring me in a steampunk costume complete with wacky goggles:

For the next assignment, I decided to do something more illustration-based, so I re-drew a sketch from a year or so back, of Space Turtle fighting his nemesis: He'e, the Space Octopus!

I dragged my heels a bit on starting this one, but I really did enjoy working on it in the end. And so we have The Cephalopod Menace:

The original plan for this was to do a movie-poster style, with crazy text and everything, but I think it works much better without. I really fell in love a bit with Illustrator while working on this, it was just so much fun and gave me a chance to work with the bright vibrant colors that I love.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mink and Puppy: Shenanigans 1-3

March has been a busy month. I went on vacation, then started a new job, and of course it's getting to crunchtime in classes, with graduation looming around the corner.

Still, I've managed to get some art done. Here are the first three of finished the Mink and Puppy images:

I've got at least one more sketched, and I'll probably do two or three after that- whatever I end up having time for. They really are quite fun to do, and I think they'll make good portfolio pieces.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Epic Adventures

New art!
This is the finished version of "The Planning Stages." I posted the original sketch for this months ago, with my revised sketch done last week. Going further into the concept, I had an idea for characterizing the four seasons as children, and I have a tentative idea for a story where they all must go on a scavenger hunt to find essential pieces of their season for one purpose or another.

I'm still debating if I need or want to give them actual names outside their season names. (If I did, I suspect they would be something like Max for Fall, Aaron for Winter, Brittany for Summer, and Rose for Spring.) I might do more pictures for this story, I think, if I can get the compositions right. It really did help having a sketch already done to solidify the concept.

More art to come. Stay tuned.