Friday, January 14, 2011

Not Dead!

So, it's been forever and a day, I know. Ever since I graduated in May last year, a lot of my time was sucked up by work, and when I wasn't working, I fell more into the habit of sitting and staring mindlessly into the depths of the internet or various video games rather than sketching, because my brain was just too exhausted to work. For most of the year, I worked at a custom frame shop, and while I learned a lot, I was sometimes thinking about framing in my sleep. In late September, I was unfortunately laid off from that job, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as I got a new job working at the Saturday Evening Post as one of their graphic art interns. So now I spend my days scanning artwork and cleaning/restoring it in Photoshop. I have gained several levels in Photoshop-fu just in the past few months. It's pretty awesome.

I did get a little more free time towards the end of the year... but I also got a contract for a children's illustration project, which I've been working on for the past three months. It's for a site online, and I'll have more details about that once it's released, which should be within the next couple weeks.

For the new year I've made a resolution to try and draw or paint or do some kind of art every day. This is fuzzy and almost certainly won't happen, but I'm making the effort.

I will be working on putting up some of the better sketches from 2010 in the next few days, and then I'll be putting up my 'daily' sketches probably once or twice a week. I've also got a few major art projects planned for the near future and those will go up here as well.

All of which is to say: there will be content coming soon. Stay tuned!