Monday, October 19, 2009

The Future is Now!

Work continues apace. The last few days were largely spent working on the latest illustration project, which is an editorial piece on the topic of our choice. I picked "social networking" as a topical piece of our times, but as I worked on sketching, I found that the ideas became much more interesting if I moved from simply commenting on how social networking works now, to how we might use it in the future.

So I came up with these:

They're all pretty rough, as you can see, and I got a number of critiques on them so I'll be changing at least a few of the designs. I'm almost disappointed, too, as it seems that in discussing these topics I only came up with more ideas. I find the advent of technology truly fascinating-- the fact that we can look at sci-fi ideas like holograms and cybernetic limbs, and realize that these may only be a few decades away is amazing.

Now if only I had the math skills to get involved in a more mechanical way with computers, that would be great.

Still, it's an interesting sort of avenue, and I think I may try to come up with a few more independent pieces in a similar vein.

I also finished up the last of my commissions, a character piece for an old friend of mine from high school. The concept is a little over-the-top (Star Wars meets Doc Ock), but the lighting effects were fun to paint, and it's always nice to do something a little lighter every now and then.

Speaking of lighter, here's a sketch from Saturday, which I spent most of playing a tabletop superheroes game. My character was "Mongoose the Magnificent," who was something like what you'd get if you got Quicksilver's speed but the Scarlet Witch's costume and flair. (The game was based off an old DC format, but I really only read Marvel books, so that's where my comparisons lie.) Just for fun, I scribbled off a quick drawing of Mongoose, mostly because the one provided had really terrible 80's hair.

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